For Women... Are You Impacted By The #MeToo Phenomenon? Healing Is at Hand...
Support & Transformation Is Now Here For You...
My name is Jennifer McLean, and I have moved through and continue to heal from childhood sexual abuse.

When the #MeToo movement began, it stirred up a strange feeling within...

I not only reflected on the abuse I endured as a child, but I also remembered, now even more vividly, the dozens or more incidents of sexual abuse and harassment that seemed less traumatic than the original abuses I faced.

The two different men opening their trench coats to reveal themselves to the teenage me, the multiple "cop a feel" moments in lines and at the subway, the friend's father "massaging" me inappropriately at a wedding, and many more of those heinous moments.

I have come to understand that I had been dismissing these seemingly smaller incidents due to the larger dominant abuses in my childhood.

And then recently witnessing the thousands and thousands of stories of what it has been like to be a woman in our society.

I realized that my 30 years as a healer, along with my system of healing, The Spontaneous Transformation Technique (STT), which is specifically designed for trauma, and the hundreds of thousands I have supported in healing through the years (plus the 800+ STT Practitioners in training)...
#MeToo Healing Intensive
No gimmicks, no upsells, no pressure... just pure healing & giving from the heart. In fact, you will own this series free... downloads available!
Life-Changing, Habit-Breaking, Neural-Pathway-Creating TRANSFORMATION... 
Just 30-40 Minutes Each Day For 10 Days, Recorded & Waiting For You When You Register
(Just one day/healing session may be enough!)
This confluence of personal experiences, traumas, solutions, and expertise have drawn me to this very moment of time.

And I am here to use these gifts and proven systems of healing to support you.

I'm here to help women like you move through this time and use it to actually heal.

I'm here to guide you to create a whole new platform of confidence, power, and boundaries...

To allow YOU to CLAIM your POWER as a WOMAN while honoring all around you...

To help you move from "pleaser," or needing to be more masculine to "play with the boys"... 

And instead use this moment in time to heal into a dynamic, capable and resilient woman.
This Could Be You...
"I’ve stood up to bullies this week. This would never have happened before this program ❤️ I would have been too afraid. I just thought ”I’m standing in my power” and I really felt it. No anger, just STOP- energy. I can’t believe I did that, I’ve always admired people who had that guts. Now I’m one of them, thanks to this program! Thank you Jennifer" ~ Marie
"WOW Jennifer! Responding to a current situation with a loved one as the person/adult I would be if my inner child had grown up without the brokenness... and I'm so proud of myself! Just WOW! Thank you!" ~ KW
"These 10 days have been wonderful. I love all of my new tools! Thank you so much Jennifer McLean" ~ MaryAnn
"From the depths of my soul, I thank you for giving me back my life." ~ KS
"The 10 days I spent with Jennifer McLean has done more good for me than the 30 years I've spent with traditional therapist.  Jennifer, your approach and techniques are total game changers! I can't thank you enough for all your guidance, love and support." ~ MC
"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, for this space of healing for all of us. Even if healing scares me, I'm sticking with loving myself enough to do it anyway. From these healings I'm understanding that I am here to overcome this thing, not to suffer from it till the day I die (which I automatically thought till now). Now I get to heal and thrive. And even if it scares me, I allow myself the possibility to let this grow ❤
Thank you Thank you Thank you." 
~ AP
Note: This program is offered from a woman's perspective, for women, and deals with what it's like to be a woman. MEN: I will do another program that includes the experience of men in the #metoo movement at some point... but that is NOT what this program is. I've been called to do this first part for women only. Thanks for your understanding.
In Just 10 Days Of The #MeToo Healing Intensive, You Will...
  • Discover Your Feminine Power: Experience a 2-step activation process to transform into a state of calm, confidence, peace and power
  •  Find and Establish Your Natural Boundaries: You'll receive a surprising yet specific and proven healing session to create and live within your organic boundaries        ... without even trying
  •  Overcome Past Traumas and Upset: You'll experience the quickest way to rewire and reprogram the neural pathways in your brain to change any past occurrence 
  •  Experience Physical Healing: You'll have a special healing session, using the renowned and popular healing accelerant The Spontaneous Transformation Technique, to address physical disease, injury or upset that may be the unknowing result of past trauma
  •  Activate The Feminine Conflict Releaser: Expect a personal activation which creates new solutions and resources to apply to your relationships (even the ones that seemed hopeless)
  •  Unlock Your Deep Feminine Intuition for Prosperity and Good - Access your birthright as a woman and use it with consciousness to create and manifest what you want
  •  Available now as soon as you register via audio or video simulcast recordings PLUS downloads available and hugely powerful.
Within 12 hours it was completely, I mean completely healed...
“I’ve been following you and did your healing exercise just a couple of times. I had a badly burned neck from a microwave accident and had a nasty, brown, weeping wound. Within 12 hours, the next day, my neck was completely… I mean completely healed. Not a sign of any scar... a miracle. I’d shown a friend who had seen the wound only 12 hours before and he was amazed. Thank you so much. Even my doctor was amazed......Truly grateful for your healing. Bless you.
~ Rosemary Saunders (UK)
CLAIM Your True POWER As a WOMAN: Life-Changing, Habit-Breaking, Neural-Pathway-Creating TRANSFORMATION... 
Just Click The Button Below:
Just 40 Minutes Each Day For 10 Days - JUST ONE DAY MAY BE ENOUGH!
Replays & Downloads available and JUST as powerful...
To your remarkable power,
Jennifer McLean
​Healer, Speaker, Author, Transformational Change Agent
​Creator, Spontaneous Transformation Technique Healing System